by Philip Bloem
Today we are going to have a look at some of the fastest SSDs available to notebook users. The Samsung 470 is Samsung’s latest SSD. It uses 30nm flash and a new Samsung controller. Second in our lineup is the Corsair Nova V128GB. It uses an Indilinx Barefoot controller. Lastly we included the OCZ Vertex 2, which is a very popular SSD at the moment. It uses the Sandforce 1200 controller. Let's find out which SSD is the fastest.
Specifications :
Synthetic performance
To get an impression of the synthetic performance we ran the CrystalDiskMark 3.0 benchmark.
To get an impression of the synthetic performance we ran the CrystalDiskMark 3.0 benchmark.
Samsung 470 256GB | Corsair Nova V128 | OCZ Vertex 2 120GB |
It's refreshing to see that Samsung reaches higher speeds than claimed in the specifications. The Samsung drive actually reaches higher sequential speeds than the Corsair Nova and OCZ Vertex 2. The Vertex 2 doesn’t work well with incompressible data that Crystal Disk Mark uses. After some usage sequential writes drop down to 86MB/sec.
In 4K random performance it's the Vertex 2 that rules, followed by Samsung 470 and Corsair Nova.
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